Stuck due to Coronavirus pandemic

     I had to travel to the USA in the first week of March to attend my nephew's wedding and spend some time with my son. By that time Coronavirus had already started spreading all over the world but things were under control. My journey was quite smooth and non-eventful as I reached Atlanta via Doha. Preparations were going on at full scale for the wedding. People had started arriving from India, America, and Canada. 
    Slowly things started becoming difficult and tense. Lots of restrictions were being placed, social media was abuzz and the media was creating panic. At that time it seems to be overhyped. We started getting cancellations. Even local people did not want to attend the wedding and everyone had their reasons - some were afraid to get the dreaded virus, a few felt they would not be able to return back to their country and some felt it was not morally correct to attend such a big gathering. There was pressure to cancel the wedding, but there was no time left. Guests had arrived from all parts of the world, payments had been made, pre-wedding ceremonies had started and everything was set for the D-day. On the day of the wedding, there were rumors that they would restrict the public gatherings to 20. Amongst all the confusion and tension, we got ready for the ceremony. The ceremony was well attended, despite cancellations, and the event went very well. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.
      The next day, people started preponing their tickets and wanted to leave at the earliest opportunity. WHO had declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic and there was panic everywhere. Newly-weds postponed their honeymoon. Flights were being canceled, borders were being sealed and people were being quarantined as they reached their countries. Indian Government asked people to return back within 2-3 days but they would be quarantined for 14 days in Government centers. The quarantine centers shown on social media were very basic and dirty. At that time, the flights were curtailed till 31st March. Since it was close to my scheduled return date of March-end, I decided to stay back. We assumed that I would still be able to go soon, as no one can stop their citizens from coming back to their country. This proved to be a big mistake. 
     India decided to enforce a complete lockdown till 15th April. Domestic and International flights were all canceled, there was a near curfew and people could only leave home for essentials. I was stuck in America. The lockdown was further extended till 3rd May. How long will this continue, no one has any idea. Indian Government has not shown any intention of getting its citizens evacuated from any part of the world. 
     I badly want to return back to my country. As such, I have no problem in the USA. But home is home, and I really miss my city, my country, my family/friends, and everything else. I know safety and precautions are important but are we not part of the country? Our safety and well-being are also the responsibility of the government. Many people all over the world really need to come back but cannot do so. People are in financial difficulties, their families are alone, they have nowhere to stay, they have health issues, or maybe they are just lonely. Traveling is not a crime and many had left the country when the situation was not grim. They deserve to come back and not be treated as criminals in their own country. It is not their fault in any way and they should not be punished for it. The question still remains whether we should travel during this pandemic?


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